Jake Biggs

Jake Biggs: Health Transformation

Jake Biggs Transformed His Life Through Nutritional Medicine

Jake Biggs - Clinical Nutritionist - Sports Nutritionist - Keynote Speaker
Jake Biggs - Clinical Nutritionist - Sports Nutritionist - Keynote Speaker
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Jake Biggs: From Near Death To Peak Health Transformation

Jake Biggs’s journey to becoming the leading accredited clinical nutritionist, nutrition keynote speaker and sports nutritionist in Sydney, Australia is a unique one and one that has been described as inspirational and remarkable to all that have met Jake. Jake Biggs developed severe anorexia nervosa at 15 years of age whereby over the course of 10 years, required 20 hospital admissions and he nearly died from bradycardia caused by starvation. 

At one time after not having any food for 7 days, he had a heart rate of 25 beats per minute (healthy range being 60-100 beats per minute). His doctors and nurses feared he wouldn’t wake up the next day. They told Jake’s family that their was a strong chance due to Jake’s very low heart rate that his heart would stop. Jake eloquently described as a closing keynote speaker “I went to sleep that night saying, Jake you’re not going to wake up the next day”.

Fortunately, against all odds; Jake Biggs did wake up the next day. Throughout this time in his life, with his body starved of the essential nutrients it needs for optimal wellbeing, he encountered first hand what happens to one’s physiology (body) and psychology (mind) when one’s mind and body is malnourished. But specifically, what happens when the human body is deprived of high quality nutrition every single day, 365 days of the year.

Jake Biggs - Clinical Nutritionist - Sports Nutritionist - Keynote Speaker - In Sydney

He then whilst still battling his severe anorexia nervosa, developed a Grade 3 Frontal Lobe Astrocytoma brain tumour in 2012. Jake was doing a routine weight training training session at the Lift Performance Gym in Redfern, Sydney when he suddently experienced a seizure. Jake Biggs had no family history of seizures, so everyone thought it was a freak accident. Jake Biggs went back to the gym the next day and the exact same incident occured. After doing a set on the bicep curls, sitting down, he had another seizure.

Jake Biggs mentioned when speaking at the “Brave Talks” night as the closing keynote speaker “It felt like someone was ripping my entire face apart”. Jake Biggs was then rushed off to St Vincents Hospital in Sydney and was diagnosed with a brain tumour from his Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 

The brain tumour required urgent brain operating and a 12 week period of intense radiotherapy treatment. During the radiotherapy treatment, Jake Biggs experienced several side effects including extreme lethargy, muscle soreness, poor mental clarity, loss of concentration, confusion and could barely walk he was so exhausted. He was effectively bed ridden. Despite then suffering from multiple seizures, he miraculously has fully recovered from both of his conditions.

After recovering from his severe anorexia nervosa and brain tumour, he decided to make it his life and career goal to learn how food can be used as medicine for the human body. Building a different relationship with nutrition, one that is healthy and not sabotaging. He completed a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine), majoring in Sports Nutrition; graduating with High Distinction Honours in September, 2021. He completed his mission by becoming an accredited clinical nutritionist.

Jake Biggs - Clinical Nutritionist - Sports Nutritionist - Nutrition Keynote Speaker

Jake’s personal experience with the profound impact of nutrition on the human body has not only shaped his career but also imbued him with a deep sense of empathy and understanding for those navigating their own health journeys. Having experienced the detrimental effects of poor nutrition firsthand, Jake intimately understands the importance of nourishing the body with the right nutrients to support optimal health and wellbeing.

Throughout his own struggles with severe anorexia nervosa and subsequent recovery from a Grade 3 Frontal Lobe Astrocytoma brain tumour, Jake witnessed the transformative power of nutrition in restoring and rebalancing the body. His personal journey instilled in him a profound appreciation for the intricate interplay between food and health, motivating him to dedicate his life to helping others unlock their own potential for healing through evidence-based nutrition principles.

As a clinical nutritionist and nutrition coach, Jake’s approach extends far beyond the confines of traditional treatment plans. He views his role not just as a provider of solutions but as a facilitator of empowerment, guiding his clients towards becoming their own experts in nutrition and health. Through ongoing education and support, Jake equips individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed choices and cultivate sustainable habits that promote long-term vitality and happiness.

Jake Biggs - Clinical Nutritionist - Sports Nutritionist - Nutrition Keynote Speaker In Sydney

In his practice, Jake Biggs emphasises the importance of evidence-based medicine, drawing upon the latest scientific research to inform his recommendations and interventions. By grounding his approach in rigourous scientific principles, Jake Biggs ensures that his clients receive the most effective and personalised care possible, tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

But perhaps most importantly, Jake’s holistic approach to nutrition transcends mere physical health, encompassing the broader dimensions of mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. He recognises that true wellness encompasses more than just the absence of disease—it encompasses a state of harmony and vitality that permeates every aspect of life.

Through his work, Jake Biggs seeks to empower individuals to reclaim ownership of their health and lead lives that are not just longer, but fuller and more vibrant. By providing the “secret tools” to unlock the potential for long-term health and happiness, Jake Biggs invites his clients to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation—one that transcends the confines of illness and embraces the boundless possibilities of optimal wellbeing.

Jake Biggs - Clinical Nutritionist - Sports Nutritionist - Nutrition Keynote Speaker - Sydney

Jake Biggs: Nutrition Credentials

Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine), Majoring in Sports Nutritition – Graduating with High Distinction Honours.


Jake Biggs practices from his private nutrition clinic which is located in the heart of Bondi Junction, Sydney. Access and convenience to his clinic is seamless.

Train/Bus: Jake’s clinic is a 2 minute walk from the Bondi Junction train station and bus depot. The train to catch will be on the T4 Eastern Suburbs & Illawarra Line. The Bus depot destination will be the Bondi Junction interchange.

Car: Jake’s clinic is directly located opposite Westfield Bondi Junction Shopping Centre that offers 2 hours free parking. No parking fees!

Jake offers face to face consultations as well as online via Zoom.

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