
Nutritional Services

Corporate Nutrition - Corporate Wellbeing - Corporate Nutrition Speaker - Sydney

Corporate Nutrition

Australian employees take 8.8 unscheduled days off per year. This costs employers approximately $5086.40 per employee per year. Employees with poor overall health status take up to nine times more sick leave than their healthy colleagues. Food is medicine for the human body, Jake educate your employees on how to eat properly for optimal physical health and cognitive performance. Assisting in empowering your employees to take control of their own nutrition to optimise productivity, energy levels, mindset and furthermore, creating a healthy work culture while reducing costs on businesses.

Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs Clinical Nutritionist

Personalised Nutrition Consultations

Jake Biggs as an accredited clinical nutritionist transforms your health and wellbeing to sub optimal health to optimal health. Through personalised nutrition consultations, you identify your goals to Jake and Jake guarantees that you achieve them with his meticulous detailed nutrition plans. Jake is deeply committed to providing you with expert guidance and personalised nutrition consultations that will empower you to reclaim your peak health and well-being. As the leading clinical nutritionist in Sydney, you are sure to choose a expert nutritionist to reach your dream health.

Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs Sports Nutritionist Sydney Sports Nutritionist 1

Sports Nutrition Performance Nutrition Plans​

Formulating your ideal sports nutrition plan to take your sporting performance to the most optimal level. Sports nutrition enhances athletic performance by decreasing both fatigue and the risk of disease and injury. Whilst also enabling athletes to optimise training and recover faster. Sports nutrition is the foundation of performance and success. When nutrition is optimised for an athlete their is a substantial improvement in performance, recovery and stamina. When nutrition is neglected, performance is suboptimal as well as increased susceptibility to injury and poor recovery from training sessions and games. As an expert sports nutrititionist, you are sure to take your performance to the peak level with optimal sports nutrition recommendations.

School Wellbeing Speaker - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Sydney Keynote Speaker

School Wellbeing Keynote Speaking

Jake Biggs is dedicated to revolutionising the health and wellbeing of students across educational institutions. With a profound commitment to education, empowerment, and inspiration, Jake Biggs stands at the forefront as the leading school wellbeing speaker, igniting a transformative journey towards optimal health, academic excellence, and future career success. His signature keynote are not merely informative but powerful catalysts for profound mindset shifts, empowering students to embrace proactive health practices and cultivate sustainable lifestyle habits. Jake’s transformative approach resonates deeply with students, fostering a culture of wellness and resilience that extends far beyond the confines of the school environment.

Nutrition Coaching Nutrition Coach Nutrition Coaching in Sydney

Nutrition Coaching

One on one personalised nutrition coaching for you to become your own nutrition expert. Jake transforms your health forever by educating and empowering you to become your own nutrition expert. Jake helps you create a sustainable diet and lifestyle that you can do, want to do, and gets results that will have a incredible impact on your life. Achieve the health you always dreamt of through expert nutrition coaching. Jake’s coaching extends far beyond mere dietary recommendations. He serves as a mentor, motivator, and accountability partner, guiding clients through every step of their nutritional transformation.

Jake Biggs - Weight Loss Nutritionist in Sydney - Weight Loss Nutritionist

Sustainable Weight Loss

Jake teaches you to finally achieve the weight that you dream about and Jake ensures that you keep it for the rest of your life. Jake is a sustainable weight loss nutritionist expert. He teaches you the exact methodology on how to not only achieve your dream weight but how to keep it forever. Jake redefines the approach to weight loss by prioritising sustainability, personalised care, and long-term success. Jake guides his clients every step of the way on your journey to optimal health and wellbeing to finally achieve and maintain their dream weight forever.

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