School Nutrition Education & Wellbeing

School Nutrition Education Wellbeing Programs

School Nutrition Education Wellbeing Programs Expert

Meet The Leading School Nutrition Education Expert: Jake Biggs

School Nutrition Speaker - School Nutrition Keynote Speaker - Sydney

Meet your leading school nutrition education keynote speaker and presenter Jake Biggs at Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs. As an expert school nutrition education keynote speaker and presenter Jake Biggs provides engaging, evidence based and captivating school nutrition education seminars for students and parents. Nutrition education is critical to support the growth, development and overall health of children, teenagers and young adults. Whilst the human brain is still in its developmental stage, healthy nutrition must be present. In Jake’s keynote speaking, workshops and seminars he educates and subsequently empower students to optimise their health and wellbeing by healthy eating strategies. Jake also provides evidence based nutrition education seminars for family members to set their child, teenager and young adult for optimal health and longevity.

The Essential Need For School Nutrition Education

  • 40% of Australian children do not meet the guidelines for fruit intake.
  • 8 out of 10 children do not eat the recommended serves of vegetables per day. Males and females aged 15-24, 1 in 3 (33% or 1.0 million) consumed only 1 serve of fruit a day, while 12% (or 366,400) ate less than 1 serve and 6.0% (or 185,800) did not eat any fruit.
  • Insufficient fruit and vegetable intake is linked to key nutrient deficiencies such as Vitamin C, calcium, iron, vitamin B12 and magnesium which are essential nutrients for optimal health and development.
  • In the past decade, the prevelance of overweight and obesity has more than doubled.
  • An iron deficiency in childhood has been linked to cognitive deficits in young children and teenagers.
Nutrition Speaker School Nutrition Keynote Speaking School Nutrition Education

The Critical Need For School Nutrition Education

  • ​Nutrition from added sugars and unhealthy fats (soft drinks, cakes, muffins and pastries) contribute to 41% of total energy intake for individuals aged 2-18. This increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and chronic inflammation.
  • ​Children, adolescents and teenagers who are overweight or obese have a greater risk of social and psychological problems such as discrimination, poor self esteem and bullying.
  • ​Lack of adequate consumption of fruits, vegetables and grains is associated with lower grades in students.
  • ​Nutritional deficiencies of the micronutrients vitamin D, B6, B12, C, folate, iron, zinc and calcium are associated with higher rates of absenteeism.
  • ​A calcium, vitamin D and magnesium deficiency is associated with stunted growth in children and teenagers and an increased risk of stress fractures and injuries.
  • ​Protein provides essential amino acids that contribute to the mental and physical health in one’s developmental stage.
  • A protein deficiency decreases muscle development, delays growth rates, lowers immunity and initiates poor concentration and mental clarity.
School Nutrition Education - School Nutrition Keynote Speaker - Jake Biggs

Jake Biggs Keynote Speaking Client Testimonials

“Jake was simply exceptional, he had our year 10’s captivated by his keynote ‘The Secret Formula To Achieve Your Dream Grades Through Healthy Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle”. I highly recommend Jake as a school nutrition keynote speaker and would have no hesitation recommending Jake to all schools”.

Reddam House

“Jake was a complete delight to have for our Moriah College year 7, 8 and 9 students. His 90 minute keynote was performed with outstanding professionalism and our students really resonated with him. I highly recommend Jake to all schools if you are looking for a expert nutrition and lifestyle keynote speaker. Thanks so much again Jake”.

Moriah College

School Nutrition Education School Nutrition Speaker Jake Biggs

Jake Biggs Keynote Speaking Primary School Client Testimonials

“Jake presented an in depth and confident nutrition presentation to our primary school students at Moriah College. He pitched it at the right level. He paused to involve the students with questions and listened to their thoughts and ideas and responded appropriately. The students were highly engaged throughout the presentation. His nutrition expertise was outstanding as well, the students really resonated with this as well, as his friendly demeanour. I highly recommend Jake to any school or educational institution looking to have an expert nutrition speaker. Thanks so much again Jake”.

Dale Kessler, Casual Teacher, Moriah College & Emanuel School

“Jake presented to our primary school students on healthy nutrition at Moriah College. Jake was fantastic, he was superb. I can only say what a phenomenal job Jake did. The students were highly engaged throughout and we loved having him. He was a joy to deal with and we can also say that we would highly recommend Jake to any schoo. He is a fantastic nutrition speaker who not only has so much nutrition expertise, but is able to express this in a way that is easy to digest. Thanks again Jake, we loved having you and you did an incredible job with our students!”

Neil Cohen, Sports Teacher, Moriah College

School Nutrition Education - School Nutrition Speaker - Sydney

Jake Biggs School Nutrition Education Keynote Speaking

Jake works with your school in finding out the most pressing issue in your school environment from a health point of view. He then delivers a 1 hour keynote presentation to students. This includes an interactive powerpoint presentation that is engaging, informative and Jake brings humour to keep students highly engrossed throughout his keynote. He can also deliver a masterclass keynote on a topic that students are currently learning about in the syllabus. If you want Jake to inspire, motivate and educate your students on nutrition education; his keynote is the medicine for that to happen. Headline keynotes include but not limited to:

  • The Secret Formula To Achieve Optimal Academic Results Through Healthy Nutrition & A Healthy Lifestyle
  • Fuelling Your Future: The Power of Nutrient-Rich Foods
  • Building Strong Bodies: How Nutrition Supports Growth and Development
  • Decoding Food Labels: Making Informed Choices
  • The Colourful Plate: Eating a Rainbow of Fruits and Vegetables
  • Sugar Shock: Understanding the Impact of Added Sugars
  • Mindful Eating: Paying Attention to What and How You Eat
  • What Is The Ideal Nutrition Plan? What Does This Look Like?
  • The Role of Hydration: Why Water Matters
  • Eating for Energy: Foods that Boost Brainpower
  • Balancing Act: How to Create a Well-Balanced Healthy Nutrition Intake
  • Food and Mood: How Nutrition Affects Mental Health
  • Healthy Habits for Life: Building a Foundation of Good Nutrition
  • Nutrition Myths and Facts: Separating Truth from Fiction

Students will all receive an informational booklet, video on demand and recipe booklet catered to the keynote.

School Nutrition Speaker Nutrition Longevity WIth Jake Biggs

School Nutrition Education Keynote Speaking For Individual Year Groups

School Nutrition Education School Nutrition Speaker Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Health4Life! Years 3-6
Health4Life is a fun and interactive nutrition education programs that supports and inspires students from Years 3-6 to get an understanding of the foundations of healthy eating and making healthy food choices.

Students are captivated by up to date nutrition information and leave the program feeling inspired to enjoy nutritious, healthy foods. Jake covers:

  • What are the five food groups?
  • What are the recommended number of serves for each food group on a daily basis?
  • Guess which foods goes into each food group activity!
  • How to design your own healthy nutrition plate
  • Plan your own healthy meals and snacks!
Informational booklet, video on demand and recipe booklet included to all Years 3 – 6 students!
Jake Biggs - School Nutrition Workshops Sydney - School Nutrition Presentations Sydney - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Food4Vitality! Years 7-8
Food4Vitality is designed for students Years 7-8 to learn the foundations of the most optimal nutrition for their growth and development as well as fundamental daily nutrition education interventions to implement for everyday health and wellbeing. Jake covers:

  • Breakfast: What is the importance? Highest quality breakfast vs low quality? Brilliant breakfast ideas!
  • How to design a healthy lunch meal. What are the best options to have?!
  • Healthiest snacks to have for recess and after school!
  • What are the most nutritious dinner meals to enjoy?
  • Importance of nutrition for physical and mental health.
Informational booklet, video on demand and recipe booklet included to all Years 7 – 8 students!
School Nutrition Education - School Nutrition Speaker - Jake Biggs - School Nutrition

TeenageNutrition4Life! Years 9-10
TeenageNutrition4Life is designed for students Years 9-10 to develop a clear understanding of optimal nutrition for their teenager years as well as developing nutritional awareness with food choices and decisions. Jake covers:

  • What really does a balanced nutrition plan mean?
  • How can young people achieve balance and moderation within their food choices?
  • Where do snacks fit into a healthy nutrition plan? How to make healthy snack choices
  • Do treats or favourite foods fit into a healthy nutrition plan? How often should these foods be consumed and how to avoid any guilty or shame when eating?
  • Introduction to the importance of nourishing a healthy gut microbiome.
  • How to read food nutrition labels.
  • How to create a healthy relationship with food and bodies.
Informational booklet, video on demand and recipe booklet included to all Years 9 – 10 students!
School Nutrition Education - School Nutrition Speaker

Nutrition4Longevity! Years 11-12
Nutrition4Longevity is understanding the fundamentals of human nutrition for optimal growth and development. Jake explores key functions in the human body, how to use nutrition as medicine for the body and empower students to make excellent health decisions. Jake covers:

  • How to create a daily healthy nutrition plan?
  • What are high quality vs low quality foods from our food groups?
  • How does nutrition impact brain function and mood?
  • Why is the gut considered the second brain? What can students do to make their gut flourish and understand the gut brain connection?
  • What is the relationship between nutrition and sleep?
  • How can students make excellent food choices to support daily healthy sleeping patterns?
  • Where does alcohol and caffeine fit in?
  • Empower students to make intelligent choices for their bodies!
  • Introduction to understanding nutrition for optimal sports performance.
  • Are their risks with following nutrition advice for celebrities and influencers?
  • How to connect students with reliable, evidence-based advice.

Informational booklet, video on demand and recipe booklet included to all Years 11 – 12 students!

School Nutrition Education - School Nutrition Speaker - Jake Biggs School Nutrition

Sports Nutrition Education Keynote Speaking

As a sports nutritionist, Jake delivers masterclass keynote speaking to students on topics related to sports nutrition. If students don’t optimise their sports nutrition, their performance and recovery is detrimental. Jake’s sports nutrition keynote’s empowers students to make healthy nutrition choices to take their performance to the next level. Jake’s sports nutrition education keynotes include:

How to Optimally Fuel Your Body for Peak Sports Performance
Learn how nutrition impacts athletic potential and the foods and beverages that will optimise sports performance. This presentation provides detailed information on how all macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, dietary fat, dietary fibre and water) as well as micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals) support athletic performance.

How to Build Balanced Meals for Optimal Performance
Students will learn how to build balanced and nutritious breakfasts, lunches and dinners as well as healthy snacks for optimal performance.

Pre, During and Post Exercise Fuelling to Optimise Performance
A general overview of why, when, what and how much to eat before, during and after training and competition to maximize athletic potential. Meal and snack suggestions will be extensively discussed.

Post-Exercise Fuelling for Optimal Performance & Recovery
An in-depth explanation of how to optimally fuel after workouts/competition. Students will develop meal and snack plans for post-exercise fuelling. Hydration needs will briefly be covered.

During Exercise Fuelling for Peak Performance & Recovery
A thorough investigation and review of how to optimally fuel and hydrate the body during workouts/competition. Students will determine their specific carbohydrate and hydration needs. Snack and beverage suggestions will be provided.

School Nutrition Education School Nutrition Speaker Jake Biggs

Supplements & Performance Enhancing Aids
Do they really work? Scientifically based information on the vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal sports performance, the performance enhancing aids that truly benefit athletic performance and the pros and cons of taking supplements.

Stay Hydrated to Train and Compete Your Best
Learn how hydration status affects sports performance. Students will learn how to determine if they are drinking enough for optimal training and competing.

Fuelling for Optimal Performance when Travelling
Eating on the road can be a challenge, Jake teaches students exactly how to adequately fuel and hydrate when traveling.

Alcohol and Athletic Performance
This hands-on presentation covers how alcohol negatively affects the students body and the myriad adverse consequences that alcohol consumption has on athletic performance.

Boosting or Draining
Students will learn what foods/beverages and eating patterns reduce and enhance energy and overall performance. Suggestions for more nutrient-rich options are provided.

School Nutrition Education - Sports Nutrition Speaker - Jake Biggs

Fuelling to reduce inflammation
Inflammation is going to significantly hinder performance and recovery. Scientifically based information on the foods aid in reducing inflammation. Students will brainstorm how to include these foods in their daily dietary intake.

What to Look for on Food Labels to Enhance Your Athletic Performance
This hands-on workshop will provide easy-to-use tips on how to select foods and beverages to turbocharge athletic performance, and not to hinder it.

Grocery Shopping Guidelines for Champions
Students will learn how to purchase foods that will support their athletic performance. The following topics will be discussed: Pantry and cooking essentials, the importance of making a grocery shopping list, how to shop on a food budget, and fast and easy meal suggestions.

Super Foods for Super Athletes
Your students will learn the foods that have been scientifically proven to be “super” foods for athletes based on how they affect performance from reducing inflammation to increasing stamina and energy to optimising muscle growth and repair. Recommendations for how to incorporate them into a daily eating plan will be discussed.

School Nutrition Education Sports Nutrition Speaker Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Educational School Nutrition Education Seminars For Family Members

Setting your nutrition for your child, teenager and young adult can be daunting, overwhelming and difficult! How much do I feed my child? Are they eating too much? What do I do as they are such fussy eaters? Are they eating to little? Why wont they have any fruit or vegetables!? Most, if not all, are confused about the myriad of health and nutrition messages that are exposed in mainstream media.

Jake’s nutrition education seminars highlight the critical role family members play in encouraging and enabling healthy eating behaviours. The nutrition consumed at home will have a enormous impact on students learning, energy levels, behaviour and mental health. Jake eliminates the confusion and provide evidence based, clear and concise information to empower family members to have the confidence to nourish the entire family!

School Nutrition Speaker - Jake Biggs

Boarding School Nutrition Education Presentations & Dietary Analysis

As a clinical nutritionist in Sydney, Jake partners with boarding schools to provide ongoing nutrition education to students, staff, cooks and families. Jake runs interactive nutrition seminars, workshops and presentations with different year groups, so students can be inspired and empowered to make the best food choices for their health and wellbeing. Jake also works closely with chefs and cooks to ensure the food offering meets necessary standards and is optimising the needs and requirements of all students. A dietary analysis is provided on the current options being offered to students and Jake makes evidence based dietary recommendations on potential substitutions for more nutrient dense meals and snacks for the students based on their macronutrient and micronutrient requirements.

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