Nutrition Longevity with Jake Biggs

Sports Nutritionist

Sports Nutritionist

Sports Nutritionist Expert

Meet The Leading Sports Nutritionist: Jake Biggs

Sports Nutritionist - Sydney Sports Nutritionist - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Your leading sports nutritionist Jake Biggs at Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs. As an expert sports nutritionist, Jake transforms your athletic and sporting performance with optimal sports nutrition intervention.

In the competitive world of sports and performance, success hinges not only on talent and training but also on nutrition. Nutrition is the cornerstone of athletic and sporting performance, influencing every aspect of an athlete’s journey, from recovery and stamina to strength and endurance. Without proper nutrition, athletes cannot achieve their optimal performance levels. 

Jake Biggs as an expert sports nutritionist understands this fundamental truth like no other. With a wealth of experience and a deep-rooted passion for sports nutrition, Jake has dedicated his career to helping athletes, grassroot enthusiasts as well as aspiring athletes harness the power of nutrition to elevate their performance in all sports.

Jake Biggs offers online and face to face bespoke sports nutrition consultations tailored to the unique needs and goals of each individual. Through comprehensive assessments, personalised sports nutrition plans, and ongoing support, Jake guides you on your journey to ultimate performance. Renowned as the go-to person for sports nutrition, Jake Biggs has earned the trust and admiration of athletes at all levels, from aspiring amateurs and grassroot enthusiasts to elite professionals. With a track record of success and a commitment to excellence, Jake is your ultimate partner in taking your sporting performance to the next level.

Sports Nutritionist: Elite Athletes Teams Jake Has Worked With

Sports Nutritionist Jake Biggs Sports Nutritionist in Sydney

Sports Nutritionist: Elite Athletes Client Testimonials

Sports Nutritionist Jake Biggs Sports Nutritionist Sydney

Aleksander Jovanovic

Current Club: Bengaluru FC
Previous Clubs: Macarthur FC, Jeju United, Suwon Bluewings, Tianjin Teda
Position: Central Defender

“Jake has been nothing but helpful and supportive since our first consultation. He provided detailed information on my eating habits. As a professional footballer, nutrition plays a big part, Jake was able to push me in the right direction, changing what I need to eat to be the best physically and mentally for training and games. I can’t thank him enough as I feel much more energetic and I’m certain my career has been extended even longer”.

Sports Nutritionist Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Matthew Jurman

Current Club: Macarthur FC
Previous Clubs: Newcastle Jets FC, Xanthi FC, Western Sydney Wanderers, Al-Ittihad, Suwon Samsung Bluewings
Position: Central Defender

“Jake is a top bloke with fantastic insight into sports nutrition and health. After my initial 1 hour consultation with Jake I was very impressed. I would highly recommend anyone to see Jake to improve their eating habits and dietary intake”.

Sports Nutritionist - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Bondi

Louis D’Arrigo

Current Club: Lechia Gdańsk Football Club
Previous Clubs: Adelaide United FC
Position: Central Midfielder

“I saw Jake for an initial sports nutrition consultation. I highly recommend Jake to work with professional athletes. I found his sports nutrition advice fantastic. He is a fantastic guy and lovely to speak with. His sports nutrition advice was really easy to understand and I got a lot from speaking with him. Thanks so much Jake”.

Sports Nutritionist Jake Biggs Sydney Sports Nutritionist

Sports Nutritionist: Sports Nutrition Client Testimonials

“I highly highly recommend Jake Biggs as a sports nutritionist in Bondi Junction, Sydney. As an active person, I was looking for a sports nutritionist in Bondi Junction and I came across Jake. I’m very glad I did. I was looking to see a sports nutritionist to help fine tune my nutrition for my daily sport and exercise that I was doing. I can only say incredible things about Jake. His knowledge in sports nutrition is amazing and he is a fantastic person to speak with. 

With Jake’s sports nutrition guidance, I have felt that my overall performance has substantially improved and I’m feeling great. His detailed sports nutrition treatment plans are amazing and I can only say incredible words about Jake. With our consultations together, I have genuinely loved working with Jake and speaking with him. He has helped me so much. Thank you so much Jake. I would only say that if you are looking for a sports nutritionist in Sydney, Jake is the perfect sports nutritionist for you.”


“I highly recommend Jake Biggs as a sports nutritionist. I was seeking a sports nutritionist for myself in Sydney and Jake stood out to me. I reached out to him on the phone and I was incredibly impressed straight away. Even before the consultation, he wanted to exactly understand my performance goals. At the initial consultation, Jake’s sports nutrition knowledge was evident from the beginning. He told me on what I need to do to get my gym performance to the optimal level. With Jake, I have put on more muscle and lost more body fat, and my strength is continuing to improve. Jake’s personalised plan was incredible. I highly recommend Jake as a sports nutritionist, muscle gain nutritionist and bodybuilding nutritionist. Thank you mate!”


“I contacted Jake for my son who plays a lot of sport. Jake is extremely professional and informative! His guidance on food for growth and development was easy to implement and understand. He is extremely approachable and encouraging. I highly recommend his services.”


“Jake has been my sports nutritionist for a few months now and I can’t thank him enough for the results I have seen and continue to see in such a short period of time. He is very passionate about what he does and that urges me to continue. His friendly approach to his clients is one of his many attributes. I would highly recommend him as a sports nutritionist and I appreciate everything he has done for me so far”.


“Thanks Jake for helping me getting leaner. Definitely you did a great job. Best Sport Nutritionist in Sydney. Had many foods recommendations and smoothies. All helped me stick to my diet plan. Never had to worry about counting calories, all have been detailed and explained”.


Sports Nutritionist Sydney Sports Nutritionist Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs Sports 1

Sports Nutritionist: Sports Nutrition Plans For Your Desired Sport & Goal

Football Nutritionist Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs Sports Clinical Nutritionist Sydney


Jake Biggs Running Nutritionist


Sports Nutritionist - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Marathon Running

Basketball Nutritionist - Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist


Weightlifting Nutritionist - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist in Sydney

Weight Lifting

Gymnastics Nutritionist - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Sydney


Rugby League Nutritionist - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Sydney

Rugby League

Rugby Union Nutritionist

Rugby Union

Sports Nutritionist Sydney Sports Nutritionist Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs Nutritionist

Sports Nutritionist: Elite Sport Academies Testimonials

“Jake was outstanding presenting to the junior athletes at the Sydney Sports Academy. I would definitely recommend all athletes see Jake for their sports nutrition”.

Brandon Jones, Head Of Performance, Sydney Sports Academy

“I highly recommend Jake as an expert sports nutritionist. Jake gave a presentation to our group of students and coaches on the topic of sports nutrition and specifics on football players. The presentation was fantastic, with a very rich content and interesting insights. It ended with a Q&A where he clarified all our questions. Jake is very professional and great to work with”.

Daniel Castello, DVLX Football Academy, Founder & Director

“Jake conducted an online nutrition presentation for our Junior and Youth Academy players and parents at Spark Futbol. The presentation was delivered at an exceptionally high level. With Jake’s expertise and knowledge on the subject-matter not only clear to see, but practically usable for all our players and parents. Jake also took the time to answer many questions from the audience one by one. Again delivered with outstanding detail, confidence, and professionalism. I’d highly recommend Jake to any Sporting organisation or institution seeking similar support and expertise. Highly recommend Jake as a sports nutritionist”.

Cam Jones, Director & Founder, Spark Futbol

Sports Nutritionist - Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Sydney

Essential Choice Of Jake Biggs As Your Sports Nutritionist

In the realm of sports, where milliseconds and marginal gains make all the difference, the role of a sports nutritionist transcends mere guidance; it becomes a pivotal factor in determining the pinnacle of athletic success. This is where Jake Biggs as an expert sports nutritionist emerges as a transformative figure, elevating athletes from good to great, from promising potential to realised excellence.

At the core of Jake Biggs’ approach lies a profound understanding: nutrition is not merely sustenance but the bedrock upon which athletic prowess is built. Every aspect of an athlete’s performance, from recovery and resilience to power and precision, finds its roots in the fuel they provide their body. Jake’s expertise extends far beyond generic advice, delving deep into the individual needs and aspirations of each athlete.

Through bespoke consultations, Jake as an expert sports nutritionist meticulously crafts personalised nutrition plans tailored to unlock each athlete’s full potential. It’s not just about what goes into the body but when and how, optimising every nutrient to synchronise with training cycles, competitions, and recovery periods. This bespoke approach ensures that every calorie consumed is a step towards peak performance.

What truly sets Jake apart as an expert sports nutritionist is his unwavering commitment to his clients’ success. Beyond the initial consultation, he remains a steadfast ally, providing ongoing support, adjustments, and encouragement. Whether you’re an aspiring amateur or an elite professional, Jake’s dedication knows no bounds. He doesn’t just guide; he propels, pushing athletes to surpass their own limits and redefine what’s possible.

Jake Biggs isn’t just a sports nutritionist; he’s a catalyst for greatness. With him by your side, success isn’t just a possibility; it’s a guarantee. Together, you’ll ascend to the summit of your athletic endeavours, realising your full potential and leaving competitors trailing in your wake. This isn’t just about winning; it’s about dominating, and with Jake Biggs as your sports nutritionist, domination is inevitable.

Sports Nutritionist - Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Sydney - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Sports Nutritionist: Critical Importance Of A Sports Nutritionist

In the fiercely competitive arena of sports, success hinges not only on innate talent and rigurous training but also on a meticulously crafted approach to nutrition. The critical importance of a sports nutritionist cannot be overstated, as they are the architects behind an athlete’s physical foundation, the masterminds who optimise performance, recovery, and endurance through the power of food.

Every gram of protein, every carbohydrate, every micronutrient plays a pivotal role in an athlete’s journey towards greatness. It’s not just about eating right; it’s about eating strategically, fuelling the body for peak performance, and ensuring every calorie counts. A sports nutritionist isn’t just a dietary advisor; they’re a performance engineer, fine-tuning every aspect of an athlete’s nutritional intake to maximise their potential on the field, track, or court.

Enter Jake Biggs, the epitome of the ideal sports nutritionist. With his wealth of experience, deep-rooted passion, and unwavering commitment to excellence, Jake stands as a beacon of transformation for athletes at every level. His bespoke approach, tailored specifically to the unique needs and goals of each individual, ensures that no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of athletic greatness.

From personalised meal plans to ongoing support and guidance, Jake doesn’t just transform performance; he revolutionises it. With him as your ally, you’re not just fuelling your body; you’re unlocking its true potential, pushing past barriers, and redefining what’s possible. Jake Biggs isn’t just a sports nutritionist; he’s the catalyst for your athletic evolution, the driving force behind your journey to greatness. With Jake by your side, there are no limits—only new heights to conquer and records to shatter.

Sports Nutritionist - Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Bondi Junction

Jake Biggs's Consultative Approach As An Expert Sports Nutritionist​

Jake Biggs, the luminary sports nutritionist, emerges as a beacon of personalised wellness, injecting unparalleled enthusiasm and humour into the often serious realm of nutrition. As a seasoned sportsman since his early days, Jake’s approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the transformative power that nutrition holds for athletic performance. Yet, what distinguishes him is his refusal to succumb to the stereotypical rigidity of traditional sports nutrition diets. Instead, Jake embarks on a collaborative journey with his clients, working with them at their current stage and skillfully weaving together their aspirations, progress, and direction.

Jake’s consultations are not a one-size-fits-all ordeal; they’re a bespoke experience tailored to each individual’s unique needs and lifestyle. He ensures that his clients aren’t burdened by a strict and monotonous diet but rather embark on a delightful adventure toward their fitness goals. With a genuine passion for making sports nutrition accessible and enjoyable, Jake crafts plans that seamlessly integrate into his clients’ lives, making the process not only effective but also engaging.

Drawing from his own experiences as a lifelong athlete, Jake brings an element of relatability to his practice. He understands the demands of sports firsthand, but instead of enforcing a stern regimen, he transforms the journey into a fun and memorable experience. Clients find themselves not only reaching their fitness milestones but also enjoying the ride, thanks to Jake’s unique blend of expertise, humour, and personalised care. In the capable hands of Jake Biggs, sports nutrition transcends the mundane and becomes a thrilling, enriching journey toward optimal health and athletic achievement.

Sports Nutritionist in Sydney - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs

Sports Nutritionist: Sports Nutrition Personalised Consultations

Initial Sports Nutrition Consultation + Sports Nutrition Plan

Comprehensive Data Collection: Jake starts by delving deep into your personal profile, meticulously gathering data on various aspects crucial to performance. He focuses on understanding your dietary and hydration intake in detail, along with assessing your current energy levels, sleep patterns, training regimen, position in your sport, and your ultimate performance aspirations.

Goal Setting and Plan Development: Using the insights gathered, Jake works with you to establish both short-term milestones and long-term objectives. These goals serve as the foundation for crafting a bespoke sports-specific treatment plan aimed at optimising your performance, enhancing your stamina, and accelerating your recovery.

Meticulous Sports Nutrition Plan: Jake meticulously designs an 8-12 week extensive sports nutrition plan tailored to your unique needs. This plan encompasses not only nutrition and hydration strategies but also includes recommendations for stress management and sleep optimisation. Every aspect is carefully calibrated to maximise your sporting potential.

Private health care rebates available for Australian residents.

60 minutes – $220.00 AUD

Sports Nutritionist - Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Nutritionist in Sydney

Subsequent Sports Nutrition Consultations + Sports Nutrition Plan

Thorough Data Analysis: As your dedicated sports nutritionist, Jake conducts a comprehensive analysis of both objective and subjective data related to your athletic performance. This includes an extensive examination of your dietary intake, training regimen and sleep patterns.

Sports Nutrition Plan Review: With meticulous attention to detail, Jake reviews your intial sports nutrition plan, identifying areas for enhancement to optimise your performance and accelerate your recovery. This may involve adjusting nutrient timing, refining hydration strategies, or optimising pre- and post-workout fuelling.

Testing Results Analysis: Jake carefully analyses any testing results you’ve undergone, such as body composition analysis, metabolic testing, or performance assessments. This analysis provides valuable insights into your metabolic profile and performance metrics, guiding Jake in tailoring your sports nutrition plan to your specific needs.

Weekly Sports Nutrition Education: As part of Jake’s commitment to empowering you, he provides weekly sports nutrition education. These discusssions are designed to deepen your understanding of sports nutrition principles, empowering you to make informed choices and become proficient in managing your own nutrition for optimal performance.

Ongoing Plan Adaptation
The goal of subsequent consultations with Jake is to continually adapt your sports nutrition plan to align with your short-term and long-term performance goals. Through ongoing assessment and refinement, Jake ensures that your nutrition strategy evolves in tandem with your training and competition needs, ultimately maximising your athletic potential.

Private health care rebates available for Australian residents.

Sports Nutrition Check In: 30 minutes – $110.00 AUD

Sports Nutrition Extended Subsequent Consultation: 45 minutes – $165.00 AUD

Sports Nutritionist - Jake Biggs -
Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Private Practice Location

Sports nutritionist expert. Sports nutritionist Jake Biggs practices from his private nutrition clinic which is located in the heart of Bondi Junction, Sydney. Access and convenience to his clinic is seamless.

Train/Bus: Jake’s clinic is a 2 minute walk from the Bondi Junction train station and bus depot. The train to catch will be on the T4 Eastern Suburbs & Illawarra Line. The Bus depot destination will be the Bondi Junction interchange. 

Car: Jake’s clinic is directly located opposite Westfield Bondi Junction Shopping Centre that offers 2 hours free parking. No parking fees!

Jake also offers online consultations via Zoom.

Sports Nutritionist - Jake Biggs - Sports Nutritionist Bondi
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