Client Testimonials

Nutritionist Reviews

Nutritionist Reviews For Jake Biggs, Leading Sydney Nutritionist.

Health Transformations by Jake Biggs

“Jake has truly changed my health and life that I never thought was possible. He is truly exceptional and I am so grateful that I was introduced to Jake for nutrition advice. I was referred to Jake by a friend as I complained to him that I was experiencing a whole range of symptoms. But specifically my energy levels were always so poor, I was feeling sleepy all day and my performance at work was completely abysmal. I was having to take days off work as I was simply exhausted. 

I also found that I couldn’t sleep well at all. What simply amazed me when seeing Jake at our initial consultation was he articulately telling me exactly why I was experiencing my symptoms and within 2 weeks all the symptoms with dietary and lifestyle manipulations will improve 90% and 100% at end of week 4. And that’s exactly what happened. Jake put together not a meal plan – he provided a 10 PAGE treatment plan that including dietary, lifestyle as well as hydration recommendations. Now after 6 months with working with Jake, I haven’t felt this amazing for so long. My energy levels are through the roof, I haven’t taken any time off work and I am sleeping so soundly. Thank you so much Jake”.


“Jake is an exceptional clinical nutritionist and nutrition coach at Bondi Junction. He has completely changed my health and my life that I thought was not possible. I’ve seen Jake for 5 months now and he is a clear nutrition expert and I can only say amazing words about Jake. He is such a warm, friendly, kind and empathetic young man who makes our inquiries amazing. From the first time I met Jake, I was so relieved. Before I met Jake, my health was abysmal. My energy levels were at rock bottom, I was always sleepy, I had chronic bowel problems, and I was completely exhausted. Every day was just a struggle for me. 

What I love so much about Jake is how holistic he is. Not just adapting my nutrition, but also focusing on my exercise strategies, stress management and sleep hygiene. My health 5 months later with Jake is mind blowing! My initial symptoms are gone and that’s all thanks to Jake. A true expert in the field of nutrition and I can tell you that he is the only person you should go to to improve your eating and health. Thank you very much Jake from the bottom of my heart!”


“Jake is an outstanding clinical nutritionist. His nutrition expertise is simply remarkable and he has helped me so much. Jake has completely turned my health around in only 6 months with working together. I was referred to Jake by my colleague who said that Jake is your nutritionist to go to. I came to Jake to simply revitalise my health. I was experiencing daily extreme fatigue, with always being sleepy and my productivity at work was completely abysmal. I was also getting regular colds and flus and needed to have time off work as well. 

What I was astounded with Jake is also how personal his approach was. He made me feel completely at ease when speaking to him. With not only providing me at our initial consultation a 8 page treatment plan he provided me weekly nutrition education material as well. He really made so much effort in educating me along the way. I had seen dieticians and nutritionists before with just being written a meal plan. Jake takes it to a whole new level which his level of detail. In only 6 months together the results have been unbelievable. I actually haven’t taken a day off work with any colds or flus as well that my energy levels are high with not experiencing sleepiness throughout the day. I can’t recommend Jake enough to anybody looking to improve there health and there nutrition. Jake has been a life saver for me. Thanks so much again Jake”.


“Jake thank you so much, you have completely changed my health and life. Words don’t do justice of your amazing work with me. I came to make an initial consultation with Jake as i had been struggling for a long time with my energy levels, regular colds and flus and sleep issues. When first meeting Jake I felt so much at ease as was taken back by his nutrition education. Jake succinctly, eloquently and professionally described halfway through the consultation exactly what we needed to do together. 

After having 9 follow up sessions with Jake; the results have been amazing. My energy levels are now the best they have ever been, I haven’t been getting any colds and flus and I am sleeping soundly every night. Thank you so much again Jake for your outstanding nutrition education and I enjoyed so much our consultations. I have so much nutrition knowledge now and feel very empowered with this to. Highly recommend for anyone who wishes to improve there health and health goals; Jake is your guy”.


Health & Life Transformations by Jake Biggs

“Jake Biggs is an outstanding clinical nutritionist and nutrition coach in Bondi Junction, Sydney. I can’t recommend Jake enough for all that he has done for me. I have been with Jake now for 9 months and the results have simply been phenomenal. I haven’t felt this energised for such a long time, and it is all thanks to Jake and the amazing work he has done for me. 

I was looking for a nutritionist or dietitian to help me improve my eating habits and overall health. I actually mentioned 9 months ago to a close friend of mine whether he knows or has seen a nutritionist before. Straight away without hesitation, in his words he said “You must see Jake Biggs in bondi junction”. 

Without flinching I contacted Jake and the rest is history. Jake provides such outstanding and detailed treatment plans that I feel privileged that he has worked with me. I haven’t felt this energised in years, I have had previously chronic gut issues and sleep problems. Jake in 9 months has not only improved my gut and sleep but I now have no issues anymore with my gut and sleep. He has been simply outstanding for me and can’t thank him enough. Has totally transformed my health and well-being. Thanks again Jake”.


“For years I have tried to change my eating habits as I eat a lot of a junk food and as I age I am acutely aware it is making me feel like rubbish. A few months ago I was referred to Jake’s services by the gym I was a member of. Jake has a a great combination of skills whereby he is very knowledgeable about food and it’s effects but also more importantly about the habit aspect that people create when it comes to food. 

It’s very easy to tell someone not to eat this food or that food but it’s a much greater skill to help people change their habits related to those foods. I would often turn up to our sessions telling Jake I hadn’t stuck with whatever it was we had agreed to the previous session. Jake was always understanding, never judgmental and always had his style of advice that is encouraging and motivating. Jake would regularly send me video follow ups from our chats making it clear what I needed to do as well as doing his best to motivate me to do it. 

Jake even came to the supermarket with me once to show me what to buy/not buy for certain ingredients. On the weeks where I followed Jake’s advice, I saw results and felt great. The weeks where I didnt, well you can guess what happened there. You can tell that Jake cares about helping people change their lives and he is invested in helping them achieve their goals. In short, I would highly recommend Jake to anyone that is looking to change their eating habits and improve their overall wellbeing”.


“Jake is quite simply an outstanding, best in class clinical nutritionist. Words don’t do justice of his professionalism, expertise and knowledge. I have worked with Jake now for 6 months and the results have been unbelievable. I have the best energy levels I have had for some time and my sleep which I have struggled with so much is now fully back to normal. All thanks to Jake. His nutrition knowledge is second to none. His consultative approach makes it such a enjoyable experience for myself. I highly highly recommend Jake to anybody who wants to improve their health and their performance based goals. Thanks so much Jake again but everything that you have done for me to far”.


“I have worked with Jake for 1 year now and the results have been extraordinary. Jake is amazing at what he does and I can’t thank him enough. We have together totally changed my dietary habits in that I feel amazing now with my body and my energy levels that I was struggling so much are great. Jake takes a highly individualised approach to his service and one that I responded well to. His level of detail that he goes into writing his treatment plans are extraordinary. Can’t thank you enough Jake!”.


Jake Transforms His Clients Health & Wellbeing

“Jake is an outstanding clinical nutritionist and has improved my health so much. I have seen Jake for 6 months and the results have been simply astonishing. I haven’t felt this energetic in years as well as my cognitive function is now through the roof. I highly recommend Jake to anybody who wants to improve their health and well-being. Thanks so much again Jake for all your amazing work that you have done for me. I am so grateful”.


“Jake is an inspiration for myself. His nutrition expertise is second to none. I have seen quite a few dietitians and nutritionists before but Jake is far and above the best I have ever seen. Previously I have just been provided with a meal plan. But Jake takes it to a new level. His attention to detail is something I have never seen before. His initial consultation treatment plan was 6 pages and provided me with so much nutrition education. He really empowered me and this was so helpful for me. With doing Jakes 10 session package the results have been amazing and I can only thank Jake for his help. I can’t recommend Jake enough for anyone who is looking to improve their health and well-being through nutrition. Thanks so much Jake”.


“Jake is an inspiration and has improved my health and well-being so much. He truly practices what he preaches and embodies the practices, lifestyle and mindset that he teaches. I have benefitted so much from his example, his passion and his easy going nature that makes nutrition fun. He is so knowledgeable about health, nutrition and exercise that I have renewed motivation for self care. I highly value and trust his guidance”.


“Jake is an exceptional clinical nutritionist. I was so impressed with first meeting Jake with his nutrition expertise as well as his persona. I really felt so comfortable with my consultations with Jake. We have achieved incredible results together and I am so thankful for Jake with everything he has done for me. I highly recommend to anyone who is wanting some nutrition guidance. Jake continued to educate me throughout our sessions together which has really empowered me. Thank you so much Jake”.


“I have been seeing Jake for approximately a year. I have seen a dramatic improvement in my health and he has been so supportive and empowering and has so much Knowledge on nutrition and was able to design the perfect plan to suit my needs and goals”.


Clinical Nutrition Remarkable Client Results

“I can only say that Jake Biggs is quite simply an incredible clinical nutritionist and nutrition coach in Bondi Junction, Sydney. His treatment plans are extremely detailed and I have loved working with him to improve my health and well-being. Even though Jake is a clinical nutritionist, he looks at the body holistically which I love. Not just nutrition, but also exercise, sleep and stress management. He is a clear expert in the field of nutrition and optimising health. I can just say that if you are looking for a clinical nutritionist, Jake is the perfect person for you. 

He doesn’t just give a meal plan, his treatment plans are extremely extensive and detailed. He makes sure you understand exactly the plan and empowers you to make positive health choices He is a delight to work with. He’s kind, empathic and funny as well. He makes consultations engaging and the work I have done with him has been truly exceptional. Thanks so much Jake for everything you have done for me. You are amazing at what you do and I can’t recommend Jake enough to anyone wanting to see a clinical nutritionist!”.


“I highly recommend Jake Biggs as a clinical nutritionist and nutrition coach in Bondi Junction. He is an amazing person who is warm, empathetic, knowledgeable, supportive and super relatable. His treatment plans are incredibly detailed but also doable. Can only say incredible words about Jake!”.


“Jake is an exceptional clinical nutritionist and has helped me so much for the past 6 months that we have been working together. With Jake continually educating me on nutrition, I have become really empowered and my progress has been great; all thanks to Jake. I have found a huge increase in my energy levels and I am no longer feeling fatigued at all during the day. My work performance has drastically increased. Thanks so much Jake, so grateful for all your help so far! Highly recommend!”.


“Jake is incredibly positive, supportive and knowledgeable. Jake worked with my daughter and always explained the different aspects of nutrition so she could understand. He is very wholistic in his approach and discusses how food and exercise work together and the importance of both to your wellbeing. I couldn’t recommend Jake more highly, you are always welcomed with a big smile and his complete supportive”.


“Jake’s consultations are informative and practical. Not only have I seen results, but Jake is educating me along the way so that I have life long skills. He is always very professional, but also personal. Would highly recommend!”.


Clinical Nutritionist Jake Biggs Incredible Client Recommendations

“I have seen Jake for 9 months now and the results have been fantastic! Jake is amazing at what he does and can’t thank him enough. I came to see Jake as I was really struggling with my energy levels, always being tired and finding that I was cognitively not at my best. I was taking a lot of time work as I just didn’t have the capacity to function properly and regularly getting colds and flus. Since working with Jake my energy levels have increased so much that I haven’t needed to take anytime of work and my cognitive function is unbelievable. With Jake continually educating me on healthy nutrition, I have become more knowledgeable and motivated. Thanks so much Jake again”.


“Jake is an outstanding clinical nutritionist. I saw Jake for nutrition advice for myself. The results have been simply remarkable over a 6 month period. I was impressed by his knowledge on diet and nutrition as well as his friendly approach. He spent half of the initial session educating me about nutrition and the other half asking detailed questions so he could provide a customised plan for me. With simple changes in my diet I was able to notice the change in my energy levels within 2 weeks as promised by Jake. I recommend Jake enough to anyone looking to improve their health. Thanks again Jake!”.


“Jake is an outstanding clinical nutritionist. I saw Jake for nutrition advice for myself. The results have been simply remarkable over a 6 month period. I was impressed by his knowledge on diet and nutrition as well as his friendly approach. He spent half of the initial session educating me about nutrition and the other half asking detailed questions so he could provide a customised plan for me. With simple changes in my diet I was able to notice the change in my energy levels within 2 weeks as promised by Jake. I recommend Jake enough to anyone looking to improve their health. Thanks again Jake!”.


“Jake has changed my health around which is so gratifying and special for me. I have worked with Jake for 6 months and the results have been absolutely amazing. I haven’t felt this energised for so long and my health has never been better. I highly recommend Jake for anyone who wants to improve their nutrition. Thanks so much again Jake”.


“Jake is an amazing clinical nutritionist. I came to see jake for nutrition advice for myself. I was astounded with his nutrition knowledge and expertise. Achieved such great results together and I can’t thank jake enough for everything he has done for me. Highly recommend”.


“Jake is a brilliant clinical nutritionist, weight loss nutritionist and fat loss nutritionist in Sydney. I went to see Jake to discuss nutrition and to ask about stubborn weight that wouldn’t shift. He provided personalised care that was exceptional. I really felt heard and looked after for the best way to achieve my goals.He helped me understand what was needed and has helped me on the way to achieve it. I wholeheartedly recommend Jake Biggs as your go to Sydney Nutritionist”.


Leading Clinical Nutritionist Jake Biggs Nutritionist Reviews

“It’s full marks to Jake for the outstanding and professional consultations he provided. He was able to very quickly identify areas of my nutrition that required some changes and was particularly convincing and inspiring when it came to getting me to implement them. He was also very forgiving when there were some little transgressions on my part 😜 We achieved great long term permanent results. Highly recommended”.


“Very well informed and very helpful advice from Jake, One of the best”.


“As a nutritionist Jake was highly attentive, generous and kind. He really helped me on my journey to increase my energy levels and mass! I would highly recommend him as a nutritionist that specialises in adrenal fatigue and energy optimisation. I went from being exceptionally tired and fatigued to happy, strong and motivated. His attention to detail allowed me to follow his plans and advice. Thanks so much again Jake, you have been so helpful thank you!”.


“Jake is an exceptional clinical nutritionist, we have been working together closely now for 8 months and my energy and fitness levels have increased dramatically”.


“Jake is an amazing person and his knowledge is clinical nutrition is out of the world. He has helped me understand and adapt an entire different approach for sustainable nutrition plan. Highly recommend consulting him for your nutrition”.


“Jake is a really nice guy and has amazing knowledge about all you need to know to achieve your results through nutrition. After my first consult My energy levels came up to 100% and i am sleeping so much better. Cant recommend enough. Fantastic nutritionist. Thanks so much Jake!”


“I can only commend Jake for his knowledge and skills!! He has a diverse background which enables him to provide an amazing service to his clients to produce great results”.


“I recommend Jake for nutrition. My family consulted Jake for health including our little one who has fussy eating habits. Jake explained and made everyone accountable with the weekly review. Honestly the best thing is I can say Jake’s report and my little one is going to eat or at least try new things.. It was a complete win win. We felt well educated by Jake. With the new plan the cravings are gone and easy to make meal ideas. Definitely recommend Jake!”.


The Leading Weight Loss, Obesity, Menopause & Fat Loss Nutritionist

“Jake is an incredible weight loss nutritionist and obesity nutritionist. I came to see Jake at 110kg and working with Jake has been a life saver for me. Jake has completely changed my health and life. Working with Jake I have managed to lose 50kg and I have never felt as good as I am now. With Jake’s sustainable weight loss approach, I have now learnt how to keep my weight off forever. Jake you are incredible, thank you so much. Highly recommend Jake to anyone looking to achieve their ideal weight. He is remarkable”.


“I highly highly recommend Jake as a weight loss nutritionist in Bondi Junction, Sydney. Jake has really changed my life and I am so grateful that i got referred to Jake. He is simply an incredible person and amazing weight loss nutritionist. I have seen Jake now for 10 months and the results have been phenomenal. Really, beyond my wildest dreams. I have with Jake’s expert help managed to lose 20kg. Jake is so personal and his treatment plans are incredible. Thank you so much Jake. Highly recommend”.


“I was referred to Jake in August 2023. We had an initial chat on the phone as I wanted to see what Jake was offering and how much experience he had. From the outset he was very willing to listen and discuss things with me. Having struggled with menopausal weight gain for the past 2 years and realising that nothing I was doing was helping, I decided to join up with Jake and see what would transpire. He was very skilled in listening to my exercise history and food diary and then writing a phenomenal meal plan. 

What makes this even better than any other dietician i have ever seen is that Jake nailed perfectly the exact amount of food that i required each day and DID NOT LEAVE ME FEELING HUNGRY!!!!! Jake – that in itself is just amazing. As a fitness professional with a very active lifestyle it is so important that I keep up my energy reserves for this life I live. Jake gives ongoing support, checks in to make sure all is well, follows each weigh in day, gives SO MUCH encouragement and is truly invested in his clients. 

If I have any questions I only need to shoot him an email and he will answer it. The weight loss has been amazing – down 8kgs in 3 months and still going. I would highly recommend Nutrition Longevity with Jake Biggs – especially if you have reached Menopause and are struggling to lose weight. THANK YOU, Jake – I recommend you to everyone. You certainly have proven yourself to be very skilled at prescribing correct nutrition and food requirements. I look forward to continuing this journey with you in 2024″.


“I can only say wonderful words about Jake Biggs as an expert weight loss nutritionist in Bondi Junction, Sydney. I have seen Jake for 2.5 months now and my weight loss and fat loss results have been absolutely incredible. I am so grateful that I got in touch with Jake. Jake’s expert weight loss treatment plans have impressed me so much. I have also found Jake highly personable, funny and engaging.

He really listens to me with the consultations that I have with him and provides me personalised videos after each consultation that we have together. He has made the weight loss process seamless and this is all thanks to Jake. I have also found even with me continuing to lose weight with Jake that my energy levels are still fantastic and I am not feeling hungry all the time which I thought would happen. Jake’s sustainable weight loss approach is very refreshing and with Jake I have already lost 6kg and lost nearly 10cm off my waist and hips in only 2.5 months with working with Jake on my weight loss. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Jake and the consultations we have together. He has really empowered me with my decision making towards food choices. I am very lucky that I came across Jake and am excited to continue working with him to reach my goal weight. With Jake it is not just about a diet. It is much more than that. He looks meticulously at your exercise, sleep, stress management as well as food intake. I can say that if anyone wants a weight loss nutritionist, Jake is the perfect one for you. His approach is fantastic and I can only thank Jake for all his work he has done for me! I highly highly recommend Jake Biggs as a weight loss nutritionist”.


“I am a post menopausal woman who was referred to Jake by a doctor to shift some stubborn weight. I’ve done plenty of diets in the past and was quite sceptical at first that he couldn’t teach me anything new. I’m also a person who loves to cook and eat gourmet food and I didn’t want to be hungry. Over the last 10 weeks I’ve lost 6kg. I’m proud of myself for what I’ve been able to achieve. However, I got there through Jake’s guidance and coaching. There were things I didn’t know and Jake was able to educate me in many areas. I think the really important thing is not the initial weight lost but how to lose weight in a sustainable way and to know how to keep the weight off”. 


“Jake assisted me to move from 108 kg to 105 kg in the space of 2 months. He did this holistically by taking account of my preferences (vegetarian) and describing a diet that worked for me. My weight loss was gradual and consistent, and has continued since I last saw him a month ago (despite a few small and tasty distractions in that time). His approach is caring, considerate and focussed on the slow and effective style of weight loss. I would recommend Jake to any person seeking to reduce their weight”.


“Ive been working with Jake for about 6 weeks now. Ive lost weight in terms of Kgs and CM. I have more energy and im no longer taking a concoction of vitamins to support my health- winner. Jake is also kind and non judgemental. He’s super supportive and will explain the science behind nutrition in an easy to understand way”.


“I have been seeing Jake since November 2022 who knuckled down in my first consultation whats stopping me from achieving my goals. With the complexity of the holiday season, Jake never made me feel bad for enjoying myself during this time and once it was over, he encouraged me to stick back to my plan which has allowed me to loose 5kg in roughly 10 weeks. Education around what we eat should be a necessity and Jake helped me be more mindful and energised in what I chose to eat. Thank you so much! I would recommend him to everyone!”


“Jake was really good and professional. He was very quick with the communication and provided me with very insightful information regarding my diet and how can I improve it. He also provided me with various recipes that I can cook at home. I would 100 percent recommend him to all. Would highly recommend Jake as a weight loss nutritionist. Thank you so much.”


The Expert Sports Nutritionist: Jake Biggs

“I highly highly recommend Jake Biggs as a sports nutritionist in Bondi Junction, Sydney. As an active person, I was looking for a sports nutritionist in Bondi Junction and I came across Jake. I’m very glad I did. I was looking to see a sports nutritionist to help fine tune my nutrition for my daily sport and exercise that I was doing. I can only say incredible things about Jake. His knowledge in sports nutrition is amazing and he is a fantastic person to speak with. With Jake’s sports nutrition guidance, I have felt that my overall performance has substantially improved and I’m feeling great. 

His detailed sports nutrition treatment plans are amazing and I can only say incredible words about Jake. With our consultations together, I have genuinely loved working with Jake and speaking with him. He has helped me so much. Thank you so much Jake. I would only say that if you are looking for a sports nutritionist in Sydney, Jake is the perfect sports nutritionist for you”.


“I highly recommend Jake Biggs as a sports nutritionist. I was seeking a sports nutritionist for myself in Sydney and Jake stood out to me. I reached out to him on the phone and I was incredibly impressed straight away. Even before the consultation, he wanted to exactly understand my performance goals. At the initial consultation, Jake’s sports nutrition knowledge was evident from the beginning. He told me on what I need to do to get my gym performance to the optimal level. With Jake, I have put on more muscle and lost more body fat, and my strength is continuing to improve. Jake’s personalised plan was incredible. I highly recommend Jake as a sports nutritionist, muscle gain nutritionist and bodybuilding nutritionist. Thank you mate!”.


“Thanks Jake for helping me getting leaner. Definitely you did a great job. Best Sport Nutritionist in Sydney. Had many foods recommendations and smoothies. All helped me stick to my diet plan. Never had to worry about counting calories, all have been detailed and explained”.


“Jake gave a presentation to our group of students and coaches on the topic of sports nutrition and specifics on football players. The presentation was fantastic, with a very rich content and interesting insights. It ended with a Q&A where he clarified all our questions. Jake is very professional and great to work with”.


“I’ve had a few sessions with Jake, and he’s provided me with valuable in depth nutritional information tailor made for me, which he’s spent a long time developing. Having followed his meal plans, I’ve seen great results, and have really enjoyed my consults with him”.


“Jake really understood my needs as an athlete and educated me on the perfect eating habits to achieve my goals and change my life. After 2 months I feel fantastic and will never go back to my old ways. Thanks again”.


“Had a 1 hour consultation with Jake. Top bloke with some good insight and knowledge for anyone looking to improve diet or eating habits!”
“Went to Jake to help with my nutrition plan while training and had fantastic results. Got me to my goal with really simple and easy dietary changes. Highly recommend!”

“Jake was outstanding presenting to the junior athletes at the Sydney Sports Academy. I would definitely recommend all athletes see Jake for their sports nutrition”.


“I contacted Jake for my son who plays a lot of sport. Jake is extremely professional and informative! His guidance on food for growth and development was easy to implement and understand. He is extremely approachable and encouraging. I highly recommend his services”.


“The information provided was very useful and explained in terms my kids could understand, highly recommended!!”.


Gut Health Client Transformation

“I highly highly endorse Jake as a clinical nutritionist in Bondi Junction, Sydney that specialises in gut health. Jake has completely transformed my gut problems to now none! I came to see Jake as I was really struggling with my gut health. I was having chronic gut issues with bouts of irritable bowel syndrome that was problematic for myself. I had really tried everything but nothing was working for me. I am so glad that I met with Jake! From our first consultation together, I was incredibly impressed with his nutrition knowledge as well as his knowledge in everything related to the human gut. 

He explained to me exactly the changes that we need to make together and assured that my gut would be healed very quickly. Although skeptical at first, Jake was completely right. With the changes that Jake recommended for me, I now have a healthy gut. I don’t have the problems that I had with irritable bowel syndrome. This is all thanks to Jake. Thank you so much. I highly recommend Jake Biggs as a speciality in the field of gut health as a clinical nutritionist”.


Expert Nutrition Coaching & Tutoring By Jake Biggs

“HONESTLY THE BEST TUTOR I HAVE EVER HAD. I had to put emphasis on that, not only was he good at explaining things but was so good at assisting me with anything I could not understand or struggling with. Jake is very good at what he does, and has been such great help and very knowledgeable and passionate about what he does. Highly recommend, one happy client here”.


“Jake has helped me with my nutrition journey for over a year now. I’ve been able to achieved my fitness goals with Jake and have noticed mental and physical improvements”.


“Dealing with Jake Biggs was an absolute delight, and I highly recommend his services to anyone seeking expert guidance on their health and wellness journey. Extremely knowledgeable and understanding. Thank you Jake :)”


“Jake was very helpful and informative I highly recommend him as a clinical nutritionist. He has gone above and beyond for me and i really appreciate it”.


“Fantastic nutritionist, professional and highly knowledgeable. Jake has a compassionate approach to health and well-being. Highly recommend to all!”


“I saw Jake over 10 sessions and he was able to help me hit my goals and give me tailored nutritional advice that boosted my energy. Very friendly guy and very accomodating- would recommend!”.


“Jake is a great guy and has helped me overcome some really challenging situations. He’s super knowledgeable and just a stand up guy. Couldn’t recommend more”.


“Since starting my nutritional journey with Jake, I have seen extraordinary changes in the body that has made me feel great. I have noticed that I am hardly hungry and tired during the day. We have changed the way that I eat to extend my capacity throughout the day. He provides notes at the end of a session to help certain food groups that everyone should read and learn. Jake is great!”.


“I’ve had a few sessions with Jake, and he’s provided me with valuable in depth nutritional information tailor made for me, which he’s spent a long time developing. Having followed his meal plans, I’ve seen great results, and have really enjoyed my consults with him”.


“Jake was wonderful with my teenage son. Knowledgeable, kind and firm. He took time to understand my childs needs and gave excellent advise and a fantastic food plan”.


“Jake is amazing, super professional, helpful and knowledgeable. Would 100% recommend!”.


Clinical Nutrition – Max

“Fantastic service!! Always approachable, very knowledgeable, very personalised plans!! Would highly recommend!!”.

“Had the pleasure of meeting Jake recently and what an absolutely lovely person to deal with. Very knowledgeable on products and services. Give him a go!! You won’t be disappointed!!”.


Body Composition, Bodybuilding & Muscle Gain Specialist

“Where to start with Jake. I saw Jake for 9 months and lost over 10kg of fat and put a stack of muscle on. He is so much more than just writing out a diet plan and saying go for it. He works out with you exactly what you need and is accepting about the ways in which you struggle with sticking to the plan. He makes adjustments that’ll lead to your success and covers across many factors relating to health than just simply food. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Jake and would recommend him to anyone that is seeking out a nutritionist. Ange ball for the win!”.


“I highly recommend Jake for anyone who is looking to make a positive change in their diet – not just for weight loss, but also for weight gain/increasing muscle mass. Ever since I adopted his meal template, my energy level has increased dramatically and I feel much stronger. His advice is backed by solid knowledge and is delivered in a way that is easy to understand and apply. Thanks Jake!”


Australian Leading Nutrition Keynote Speaker

“Jake Biggs is a powerful and engaging speaker who presents from the heart! He’s inspiring and motivating and will make a compelling addition to the speaker line-up at your next event”.


“Jake is a truly outstanding nutrition keynote speaker and clinical nutritionist. I was truly blown away by Jake’s keynote and to be the person he is today. He shared with amazing detail and insight his recovery from his health ailments in his teenage years and I was very motivated by this. Jake really had me on the edge of my seat the entire time of his keynote. He truly does have a gift as a keynote speaker and I can’t wait to hear Jake’s next one. 

As I was very impressed by Jake, I reached out to him to help me with my nutrition and specifically increasing my energy levels and improving my sleep. I have seen incredible results with working with Jake. I have found that my energy levels are the best they have ever been and I am sleeping beautifully. Am ecstatic. Jake’s consultations are relaxed and he has a way of making you feel not only so comfortable but motivated away. Highly highly recommend to anyone. Jake is the clinical nutritionist and keynote speaker you are dying to have. Thanks Jake so much again”.


“Jake Biggs is not only a fantastic nutritionist and excellent speaker but also an incredibly funny and empathetic person. His own experiences have informed his approach in a way that makes it clear that he sees health and well-being as more than just a lifestyle. Could not recommend more”.


“Jake is an exceptional keynote speaker. I was an audience member listening to Jake’s closing keynote at Randwick in Sydney, Australia. He was exceptional. I have heard Nutrition speakers before but really none can compare to Jake as he truly practices what he preaches. He really performed with a persona that was truly fantastic. I can’t recommend Jake enough for anyone that is looking for a keynote speaker. I also saw that Jake was staying behind at the end of the event to actually the closing time speaking to several audience members too. He really made his presence. I would highly recommend Jake as a keynote speaker”.


“I listened to Jake’s closing nutrition keynote in Sydney as a nutrition speaker. He really blew me away with his inspirational health journey. I found his story telling was outstanding and his key takeaways and themes really resonated with me. I was really amazed also by his public speaking skills. He seemed so confident on stage, speaking with such confidence and awareness. I really look forward to Jake’s future keynotes. I highly recommend Jake Biggs as a nutrition keynote speaker”.


“Listening to Jake’s closing keynote in Sydney, was an amazing experience for me. I was really blown away by Jake’s health journey. From having severe anorexia nervosa to a full recovery and now being a keynote nutrition speaker is an amazing feat. I found that his public speaking skills were truly phenomenal. His stage presence was outstanding, he truly was so comfortable speaking. His stories that he shared were really captivating, I was fully engrossed by Jake’s speech. He was superb. I believe that anyone who is looking for an inspiring, motivational and expert nutrition keynote speaker; Jake is the perfect speaker. I really look forward to Jake’s next keynote. Highly highly recommend”.


“Jake was a nutrition speaker at our Health, Wellness and Fitness Expo on Sunday, 6th August, 2022. He presented outstandingly well as a speaker and was a delight to deal with. He was very polite to our AV staff and the audience members really enjoyed Jake’s presentation. Jake has an inspirational health journey to the speaker he is today and I would highly recommend Jake to any business, company, conference or event that is looking for a nutrition speaker. He is not only highly qualified as a clinical nutritionist but a great speaker as well. Jake was really fantastic and I can’t recommend enough. Thanks so much Jake”.


“Jake is a phenomenal keynote speaker. Listening to Jake in his closing keynote in Sydney, Australia – I was completely taken aback. He shared really inspirational stories with the audience which resonated with everyone in the room. I was really inspired by Jake. His presenting was truly first class. He spoke with so much confidence and really felt like he had done this 10,000 times before! He really is a natural keynote speaker. I could only say that Jake is simply an outstanding keynote speaker. I would highly recommend Jake as a keynote Nutrition speaker. He was simply a joy to watch and I really look forward to seeing him next. Any business, company, conference or event would truly benefit so much from Jake”.


“Jake is a truly phenomenal keynote nutrition speaker. I attended Jake’s keynote in Sydney and Jake was the closing keynote speaker. I was completely blown away by Jake. His story is truly inspirational from his previous near death experience with severe anorexia and cancer to now full recovery. His expertise is really commendable. His presenting skills are truly outstanding. He told many stories and not one of them I wasn’t totally intrigued about. He really stood in front of the audience and spoke with such confidence that it felt like he had been a keynote speaker his entire life. I was so impressed by Jake. I highly recommend Jake for any conference, event, business or company that is looking for a nutrition keynote speaker. He simply was outstanding and I can’t wait to see him again. Thanks again Jake”.


“I was an audience member listening to Jake as a nutrition keynote speaker in Sydney in November. Jake simply left me speechless and in awe of his miraculous and inspirational journey to the speaker he is today. I had seen many speakers before but none compare to Jake. He had a aura on the stage that really evoked high self esteem and confidence. He continued to make eye contact with so many of the 200 members in the audience, I could see everyone was just glued to Jake. His stories made me feel like I was there and there was simply no time for me to think about anything else. I have spoken to many other audience members just to see whether I was the only one and they all said the same thing. Jake is simply an exceptional speaker and any business, conference or company is lucky to have Jake, he will leave your audience encapsulated and inspired. Thanks so much Jake. I can’t wait to see you at your next keynote”.


“I attended Jakes nutrition seminar at Camperdown Fitness on the 10.08.22 where Jake chatted to us about nutritional as a whole and then went on to deep dive into specifics via a really informative Q&A. There wasn’t a question he couldn’t answer!”


“Jake helped me close the information gap between nutrition and cognitive performance. Yes there is brain food. Yes I want to eat more of it. More importantly, Jake helped me to understand how to optimise my performance (physical and mental) through good nutrition. The aged message is: garbage in – garbage out. Newer insight: Good nutrition in – optimal performance out. GOOD ON YOU JAKE!”


“Jake performed a nutritional seminar for our members at Active Seniors and did an excellent job. He was informative and engaging and the members enjoyed his presentation. He is extremely professional, dedicated and passionate about helping people through better nutrition”.


Nutrition Speaking – Sophie

“Jake came to our office for a 30 minute session on nutrition. We left the session with a world of information and no question was to hard for him! The information was clear, concise and I would have no hesitation recommending him to other offices or companies”.

“Jake is an outstanding nutrition keynote speaker. I highly recommend Jake to any business, company or conference. He was simply phenomenal listening to his keynote in Sydney”.


Nutrition Longevity With Jake Biggs - Private Practice Location

Jake Biggs practices from his private nutrition clinic which is located in the heart of Bondi Junction, Sydney. Access and convenience to his clinic is seamless.

Train/Bus: Jake’s clinic is a 2 minute walk from the Bondi Junction train station and bus depot. The train to catch will be on the T4 Eastern Suburbs & Illawarra Line. The Bus depot destination will be the Bondi Junction interchange.

Car: Jake’s clinic is directly located opposite Westfield Bondi Junction Shopping Centre that offers 2 hours free parking. No parking fees!

Jake offers face to face consultations as well as online via Zoom.

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